Leg Thread Vein Treatment

At A Glance
Pain Relief
none required
After Treatment
some redness & sensitivity
Recovery Time
usually none
No. of Sessions
4-6 (1 per month)
Results Last
What are thread veins?
Thread veins, also known as spider veins, broken capillaries or telangiectasia, are enlarged visible vessels often seen on the face and legs. They look like red, purple or blue vessels that twist and turn just below the skin surface. Thread veins over-grow in response to long-term skin inflammation, hormones, trauma, sun exposure, prolonged periods of standing and pelvic pressure e.g. pregnancy and do not serve any useful purpose in the skin. Thread veins can safely be removed using laser; this process is also known as photothermolysis.
How does Leg Thread Vein Treatment work?
At Drs Tatiana + Rishi Advanced Aesthetics, we use the gold-standard laser treatment for face and leg thread veins. The Leg Thread Vein Treatment laser targets haemoglobin within blood vessels, heating the vessel up and causing it to shut-down.
Frequently Asked Questions
What’s involved in Leg Thread Vein Treatment?
Will it work for me?
Do I need a patch-test?
How many sessions?
How long do results last?
Is it painful?
Any side-effects?
Who will do my treatment?
How to prepare?
All our laser treatments require a consultation and patch-test prior to full treatment. This enables you to ask any questions you may have, prepare your skin for the treatment and to try the laser out, so that you know what to expect during your treatment and recovery. The patch-test also enables us to identify which laser settings will work best for you.
On the day of your treatment your therapist will assess how your skin felt after the patch-test. After completing the consent form and photography, the therapist will clean the skin (so don’t worry if you have makeup on), give you special goggles to wear and carry out the treatment according to the settings we identified during your patch-test. After the treatment we will cool the skin and apply aftercare serums to promote skin healing and SPF to protect the skin. The skin may feel slightly hot, like a sunburn, after treatment. This resolves within 1-3 days. We recommend simple moisturisers and daily sunblock after treatment.
The ExcelV+ Laser is the gold standard laser to treat: redness, rosacea, acne, broken capillaries, threadveins, haemangiomas or cherry angiomas, port-wine stains or red scars and stretch-marks. We are able to treat any skin type.
Yes, we require a patch-test at least 48 hours prior to your treatment (even if you have had this treatment done previously elsewhere). The patch-test takes 10 minutes to do and can sometimes be done at your consultation appointment. We recommend stopping retinol 5 days prior and avoiding sun exposure 4 weeks prior patch-test.
For optimal results, most patients will require 1-3 sessions (approximately 1 session per month). In some circumstances, more sessions may be needed.
The results of this treatment are permanent. However, over time, new thread veins can develop due to factors such as sun exposure, oily skin, genetic predisposition and hormones.
Some people describe that the laser pulse feels like a rubber band flicking on the skin. It is not painful and you quickly get used to the rhythm of the laser. We use cool air on the skin during treatment to minimise any discomfort. Anaesthetic is not generally required.
There is some mild redness, swelling and skin sensitivity (like a mild sunburn) for 1-3 days after laser treatment. These side-effects are generally mild and most people will be able to continue with normal daily routines.
Laser treatments are carried out by our experienced skin therapists.
We recommend that you pause any treatments like retinol, tretinoin, glycolic or tetracycline antibiotics for 5-7 days prior treatment, as they make the skin more sensitive to light. We recommend that you do not tan for at least 4 weeks prior to and for at least 6 weeks after this treatment.