
At A Glance
Pain Relief
numbing cream
60 minutes
After Treatment
mild redness, puffiness, bruising
Recovery Time
1-3 days
No. of Sessions
Results Last

What is Morpheus8?
Morpheus8 is a device that combines skin microneedling with radiofrequency heat energy. The treatment stimulates the production of collagen, elastin and hyaluronic acid resulting in smoother, plumper and tighter skin.
How does it work?
Morpheus8 utilises small, insulated needles that enter the skin at specific depths and that delver heat to different layers of the skin via radiofrequency energy. This works to stimulate the production of collagen, elastin and hyaluronic acid resulting in tighter, plumper and more hydrated skin. Morpheus 8 is an effective treatment at our London clinic for skin laxity, volume loss, porous skin, poor skin texture and scarring.
Frequently Asked Questions
What’s involved in Morpheus8 treatment?
Which areas can be treated with Morpheus8?
Will it work for me?
Morpheus8: how many sessions?
When will I see results?
How long do results last?
Is Morpheus8 painful?
Any side-effects?
Who will do my morpheus8 treatment?
How to prepare?
All our patients are invited for a consultation appointment prior to Morpheus8 treatment. During your consultation, the doctor will assess your concerns and the areas for potential treatment. There may be a number of suitable treatment options and the practitioner will discuss these with you in detail. You will be sent information about each treatment via email.
If you choose to go ahead with Morpheus8: on the day of treatment you will be seen by the practitioner who will take you through the consent process, answer any other questions you may have, take before-treatment pictures and apply numbing cream to the area.
Once the skin is fully anaesthetised, the treatment will begin. Normally patients will feel some sensation of warmth or prickling during treatment but this is very tolerable. The treatment can take 30-45 minutes, depending on the size of the area to be treated. During the treatment you can talk and listen to music. If you wish, you can bring a friend with you.
After treatment, the skin will be cleaned again and a soothing barrier lotion is applied. You will be given aftercare lotions to use and a date will be set for follow-up.
After treatment, the skin often looks pink and slightly puffy. If you are planning on going out or back to work after treatment, we can apply a healing foundation for you to help minimise the appearance of redness.
Morpheus 8 can be used for face, neck, decolletage and many other parts of the body including the arms, legs, buttocks and breasts.
Morpheus 8 is clinically proven to improve fine lines, wrinkles, laxity, scarring and skin texture. There are several published studies with significant outcomes. It can be used on all skin types.
We typically recommend a course of 3 Morpheus8 sessions to see optimal improvement in skin quality and then one session every 12 months for maintenance of skin health.
Most people will see some improvement 1 month after treatment and optimal results at around 3-6 months after treatment.
The results last for several years. However, this will depend on lifestyle factors such as smoking and sun exposure.
The skin is first numbed with numbing cream. During treatment you may feel some mild-moderate heat or stinging. This is usually very well tolerated.
One of the benefits of Morpheus 8 is that there tends to be very minimal down-time after treatment. The skin is pink and may be slightly puffy for a day or so after treamtnet. In some cases, patients may experience bruising of the skin, especially in delicate areas such as around the eyes and mouth. It is safe for any skin type and can be used alongside other treatments such as dermal fillers.
Morpheus8 treatment is carried out by one of our qualified team members. For more information about our team, please see Our Story page.
The best results from Morpheus8 can be seen when the skin is well-prepared for the treatment. It is important to ensure that the skin has not been excessively damaged or inflamed in the time leading up to the treatment. During your consultation, the practitioner will assess the skin and give you advice about how best to optimise your skin health. This may involve using anti-oxidant serums, pigment lightening serum, drinking plenty of water and avoiding sun exposure before and after treatment. We cannot offer the treatment to anyone who is currently pregnant, breastfeeding or trying for a pregnancy.